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How to Use Lazygit to Skyrocket Your Git Efficiency

Introduction As an engineer, Git is an essential tool, and Lazygit is a command-line Git tool written in Golang that can save you a significant amount of time by reducing the need to manually type Git commands. Saving a few seconds each time can add up to hours saved over the course of a year. Don’t tell me you type commands quickly (you’re just too lazy to learn new tools), or that you use something like alias gs='git status' to speed things up (you’re just afraid of learning a lot of shortcuts). Trust me, nothing can be faster than using this tool. ...

Posted on: 2024-08-19 · Edited on: 2024-08-31 · Chi-Sheng Liu
Photo by [Yancy Min]( on [Unsplash](

The Ultimate Guide to Git for Open-Source Development

Initial Process To develop an open-source project, we must first Fork the Repository , as it is not our own project, and we don’t have write access. Once we fork the repository, an identical copy will appear under our account. We usually refer to the original project as the upstream repo and the forked copy as the downstream repo. Since we have write access to the forked repository, the first step is to clone it . Note that we should clone our forked repo, not the upstream repo. ...

Posted on: 2024-08-13 · Edited on: 2024-08-31 · Chi-Sheng Liu